Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Busy, busy...


It's been awhile hasn't it sweet boy?  I havn't forgotten about our messages.  I've been seening monkeys everywhere lately it seems.  Everytime I see one I smile thinking of you.
 Mommy and Daddy have been really busy lately.  Daddy had surgery to fix the horrible headaches he's been having for the last few months.  And we think it worked!  Now Daddy has been going to the gym almost everyday to get ready for his PT test next month.  We REALLY need him to pass. He's also been going to physical therapy to help with his knee again.  I really hope this works and he won't have to have surgery again.  He's alreay had surgery on that knee 3 times.
I did March for Babies a few weekends back.  It was hard because most of the people were walking in celebration of their babies.  And we were walking in memory of you.  We raised almost $1500 in your name. I was so happy. We even got a little plaque for being the in the top 5 for fundraising.  Daddy and I are going to try and walk in your memory every year.
Mommy and Daddy have exciting news. We are finally moving! We had some issues getting a new house since your grew you wings early.  It's not the house we had hoped for but it's nicer than what we are in now and it's a good new start for us.  We are even getting the keys to the new house on my birthday.  I wish you could be here for that.  I've been having a hard time with the packing.  I keep putting it off because I know we are going to have to pack up all of you belongings and there won't be a reason to unpack them.  Daddy started taking your clothes out of his closet and into your pack'n'play.  You never used any of your things but I still consider them your things.  One day we might give them to your little brother. If not, I'm not sure what we will ever do with them.  I don't think I'd ever be able to give away your clothes.  The week you were in the hospital, your Daddy didn't want me to do a whole lot except rest in preperation for you to come home.  I wanted to clean so badly but he said no.  I finally got fed up with it.  The day before you got sick I sorted through all of your clothes and divided them in piles by months.  And they've stayed there just like that.

We miss you baby, I would do anything to be able to hold you in my arms and make it all better.  I'm sorry Momma and Daddy couldn't fix you.  We tried and I know the doctors and nurses did everything. 

love you forever,

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