Saturday, February 25, 2012

6 months ago...


Exactly 6 months and 45 minutes ago doctors were confirming that you had NEC.  By this time you already had received 2 sets of x-rays and were on vent to help you breathe.  They were giving you strong medicene to help with your blood pressure and help you fight off NEC.  We had already called everyone we knew and asking for prayers to heal your body. 

I remember everytime I touched you, you would let out a little squak that sounded like a goat.  You tried opening your eyes for us.  But we knew how tired you must have been.  You fighting off something so much bigger than we could have ever imagined.

You were so strong, even until then end.  You waited for Daddy to get there. We love you and miss you so much.

love you to the moon and back,

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